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your Mind

No more stress.
Pure focus, productivity and clarity.

natural nootropic supplement

Hemp Daily Focus



Daily Focus is a blend of natural ingredients to improve your concentration, your memory, boost your motivation and reduce anxiety.

60 Veggie Capsules


Concentration & Memory


2 weeks

  • Rhodiola Rosea: Calming, Revitalizing, Fatigue / Burnout.
  • Magnesium: Energizing, Clears the Mind
  • Group B Vitamins: Brain Energy and Neuroprotection
  • Vitamin D3: Immune Function, Mood, and Health
  • Organic Hemp Proteins: Cellular Regeneration

Ideal for those who want to reduce tiredness and fatigue, thus improving their memory, concentration and brain performance. If you work in a high-pressure environment or have a busy lifestyle, nootropic supplements could help you stay on track.

Rhodiola Rosea Dry Root Extract, Rosavin> 2%, Hemp Protein Powder, Magnesium, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid (B9), Vitamin D3, Vitamin B12.


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Articles by Our Experts

Valentina Quintana

What are nootropics?

Introduction Let’s face it. At some point in our lives, we’ve all had thoughts of how phenomenal it would be to be among the smartest people on earth: learning more things in a short amount of time, being so smart that it puts you on top at work or school. This doesn’t have to remain a dream; it can be real. With nootropics, you can turn these dreams into reality by learning how to harness the full potential and power of your brain. In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about this life-changing substance: Nootropics, what they are, how they work, and how effective they are. You will learn how to maximize this substance to improve your creativity, alertness, cognition, memory, and ability to remember. What are nootropics? The term nootropics derives from two Greek words, “nous ” meaning “the mind” and “tropein “” which means “to double.” This term was coined by C.E. Giurgea, a renowned chemist and psychologist, in the late 1990s. According to him, nootropics have the following characteristics: They improve memory and learning ability; They help brain function, even under disturbing conditions; They protect the brain from chemical and physical toxins; They increase natural cognitive processes; Safety: Nootropics have extremely low toxicity and are safe for humans. Nootropics, also known as brain enhancers, are a class of substances that improve brain functions, such as motivation, concentration, memory, and attention. They can be grouped into two different types: Natural and plant-based nootropics; Synthetic nootropics. Natural nootropics are usually obtained in the form of herbal extracts or food supplements. They have been shown to boost brain function while making the brain healthier. As they are of natural origin, they are not usually associated with side effects or addiction. Some examples are Rhodiola, Ginkgo biloba, Panax quinquefolium, etc. Synthetic nootropics are compounds created in a laboratory to boost mental functions. They are often referred to as smart drugs. Some examples are Modafinil, Piracetam, Adrafinil, Racetams, etc. These drugs were created to help with diseases like ADHD, insomnia, Parkinson’s, etc. However, healthy humans take advantage of them to help boost their cognitive functions. Although these compounds are highly effective, they are often associated with side effects and potential long-term consequences. As a result, most require a valid doctor’s prescription to obtain them. Nootropics offer a wide range of benefits. And people who don’t know how they work question their effectiveness. Understanding the human brain and the effect of nootropics on it ensures its effectiveness. Researchers have proposed that nootropics act through multiple brain pathways that will be discussed in detail in this article. The Brain and its Complexity The brain is the most complex structure in the human body, with about 86 billion neurons. It consists of three parts: the cerebellum, cerebrum, and brainstem, with the cerebral cortex accounting for about 80% of its total structure. It accounts for about 3% of the body’s weight and receives about 15% of the body’s blood and 20% of the total oxygen supply. Neurons communicate with each other using neurotransmitters, forming a circuit to share information. Science, with all its advances and research, has not been able to fully understand how the brain works. The uniqueness in size and complexity of the human brain endows them with sophisticated cognitive abilities. So, while the mechanisms of action of some nootropics have been linked to various pathways in the brain, which we will consider, others remain a mystery. Let’s take a quick look at the various pathways and the effect of nootropics on them: Brain Energy The brain, though small, has numerous functions and consumes an exceptional amount of energy. In fact, it is the body’s most energy-consuming organ and burns about 20% of the body’s total energy reserve. The main source of energy used by brain cells is ATP, adenosine triphosphate, obtained through glucose metabolism. This ATP is mainly used for 2 functions: Management of the Agency The brain controls all the processes that regulate our body, such as temperature, touch, thinking, memory, vision, emotions, breathing, motor skills, hunger, etc. It works 24/7, calculating and regulating a number of neurochemical signals, processing and receiving reactions through the body’s neural network. Brain Maintenance Neurons are constantly being injured and dying, so they need a large amount of energy to repair, regenerate, and grow. Nootropics that increase brain ATP supply include Rhodiola Rosea, vitamin B1 (thiamine), ginseng, cordyceps mushrooms, and sulbutiamine. These nootropics boost brain energy by: Improve mitochondrial function and efficiency; They increase cerebral circulation and the uptake of nutrients and oxygen necessary for energy generation. Nootropics increase brain energy, preventing mental fatigue and brain fog, which are manifestations of poor brain energy. Brain Chemicals Brain cells transmit impulses to each other through chemicals called neurotransmitters. These chemicals act as messengers that carry signals or information across synapses throughout the central nervous system. Neurotransmitters do their job by acting on receptors and are aided by other auxiliary chemicals: enzymes and hormones. In order for the brain to function properly, neurotransmitters, receptors, and other auxiliary factors must function optimally. Nootropics help the good function of neurotransmitters: Stimulating the synthesis and release of chemicals and their precursors; Helping the sensitivity of the receptors; Reducing the degradation of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters such as glutamine, dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline, norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) play an important role in cellular activation, memory, learning, neuroregeneration, thinking, emotion, creativity, and concentration. Nootropics such as L-glutamine, tyrosine, turmeric, ginkgo biloba, vitamin B6, huperzine, and rhodiola all play a role in potentiating the actions of brain chemicals. A 2016 research study highlighted rhodiola’s effect on neurotransmitter regulation. Neuroregeneration and Repair Aging not only splinters the brain, leaving dents, but also modifies it, altering cognitive abilities. Fortunately, contrary to the previous theory that brain cells never recover, research has shown that neurogenesis is possible in adulthood. Since this discovery, neuroscientists have been exploring new ways to increase and maintain a healthy brain cell count. Some substances, including nootropics, have been discovered

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Lucía Figueroa

Benefits of Rhodiola for Stress

Introduction Although the properties of Rhodiola root have always been known by the local population of the Arctic and mountainous areas where it grows, its rise to fame as an anti-stress plant is relatively recent. Let’s learn a little more about the so-called “golden root” or “Arctic root” and its health benefits, which derive mainly from its ability to improve performance in situations of tiredness, fatigue and stress. What is Rhodiola? Its botanical name is Rhodiola rosea because, if cut or broken, it emits a rose-like scent. It is between 20 and 30 centimeters tall and its leaves are bluish-green. It blooms in summer, with the male flowers being yellow or orange and the female flowers being dark maroon tones. This plant does not have an easy and comfortable life, as it lives in cold climates and thrives in remote places that are difficult to access, such as in the rocky crevices of mountains, on steep cliffs or in the icy tundra. His favourite locations are around the Arctic, such as Greenland, Iceland or the Scandinavian countries. It is also found in the north of the United Kingdom and in high mountain ranges such as the Himalayas, the Rocky Mountains, the Carpathians, the Apennines, the Andes or the Pyrenees. As you can see, Rhodiola inhabits places where living must be very stressful… But it adapts. This ability to adapt is transmitted through its active ingredients, making it what is known as an adaptogenic plant. What is an adaptogenic plant? Adaptogenic plants are those that improve the body’s ability to adapt to prolonged environmental stressors. They relieve fatigue and asthenia in the face of a heavy daily workload and reduce the stress caused by the speed of modern life. Although these plants were already known in traditional Chinese medicine as “superior tonics”, the first to coin the term “adaptogen” was the Russian Nicolav Nazarev, a pharmacologist who worked for the former Soviet Union with the mission of finding substances to increase physical and mental resistance to the stress suffered by combatants in World War II and, later, that of Soviet astronauts and athletes during the tense years of the Cold War. This scientist investigated the adaptogenic properties of a plant called Schisandra chinensis, and opened up a new classification of metabolic regulators that would later include Eleutherococcus, Ginseng and our star plant today: Rhodiola. Much more than an anti-stress plant: Rhodiola’s ability to improve physical and intellectual ability was already known to the Eskimo peoples of North America, who consumed Rhodiola rhizomes for food. Apparently, the Vikings also took it to increase their strength and endurance in hard battles, and later in Norway Rhodiola was used to combat alopecia, pneumonia and also as a diuretic. In other areas where Rhodiola grows, it has traditionally been used to fight depression, reduce tiredness, and treat male impotence and infertility in women. These are all reasons for stress, and stress, in turn, leads to depression, fatigue, and sexual dysfunction. Rhodiola can help you get out of this loop of anxieties. How does Rhodiola work? As we have seen, the benefits of Rhodiola have been known for centuries. It is now known that its adaptogenic effects are mainly due to the active ingredients of the rhizome and root of Rhodiola and are attributed to the effect of these substances on neuronal neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, as well as on certain endorphins. Because of this, Rhodiola rosea improves physical and intellectual performance and strengthens the ability to manage anxiety in stressful situations. The antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of Rhodiola and its anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and cell-protective power have also been demonstrated. Considering its properties to adapt to seasons of stress and overwork, it is easy to understand why Rhodiola is becoming a very interesting therapeutic alternative in a society in which anxiety, depression and apathy are so entrenched. Benefit of Taking Rhodiola Many people’s day-to-day lives consist of a long working day after which they come home exhausted and without the time or strength to pay attention to their partner, their family or themselves. This exhausting dynamic causes great vital dissatisfaction and permanent tiredness, so that on many occasions leisure moments, if any, are not dedicated to something productive that generates joy and fulfillment, but to evasive behaviors that only worsen the situation of internal unrest. Taking Rhodiola gives us more strength to cope with daily stress, improve our resistance to fatigue and not fall into apathy. It can help us to modify little by little, and doing our part, what in our life generates anxiety and lack of energy, because we will have a more balanced state of mind to face the changes we want to make. As the problems caused by stress and anxiety are so widespread, Rhodiola is indicated in many situations related to or derived from this state of constant nervousness. Let’s look at some examples: Improve performance at work: If you’re in a busy season, Rhodiola helps you lower feelings of stress, concentrate more, and combat mental fatigue. This is also true for students under high doses of pressure during exams. Studies of students who were in good health found that after four weeks of taking Rhodiola, they scored better than those in the placebo group. Of course, they had also studied! Soothe the symptoms of depression: it has been proven that Rhodiola has a positive influence on this disabling pathology according to studies that show that, after 6 weeks of taking Rhodiola, symptoms of mild or moderate depression such as insomnia and emotional instability improve. There have also been studies comparing the benefits of Rhodiola compared to antidepressants such as sertraline, concluding that the effects of the plant are milder, but effective and with fewer adverse effects than pharmacological treatment. Increase libido: A fast-paced lifestyle and no time to relax can lead to a lack of sexual appetite that leads to internal conflicts and conflicts with the partner. Before this situation sets in for good due to stress,

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